Appeal success for a care home in Crowthorne

This 60-bed care home in Berkshire will provide specialist elderly care, including for those with dementia.

Crowthorne Care Ltd
Wokingham Borough
Services Provided


Development management and coordination of specialist surveys and reports

Pre-application discussions

Negotiations with officers

Community engagement


Expert Witness

Section 106

The Third Revolution team secured planning consent in September 2024 following an appeal hearing in July. Although the proposal was recommended for approval by officers at Wokingham Borough Council, the recommendation was overturned by Councillors at committee.

The site is in an edge of centre location – outside of existing development limits but within an existing residential curtilage. There was a locational conflict with some of the development plan policies.

Paragraph 11 (d) of the National Planning Policy Framework currently applies in the Borough due to the Council’s poor housing land supply position – and the Inspector accepted our evidence about the ongoing decline in the Council’s five year housing land supply situation. The Inspector carefully weighed up the benefits and any adverse impacts of the proposal in her decision.

Economic benefits including a contribution to jobs and employment skills were given significant weight. The Inspector confirmed that the development would be visually attractive and well designed and sympathetic to the prevailing architectural character.

The Inspector agreed with our team’s evidence on the extent of the need for the proposal, which will be operated by Barchester Healthcare and provide a high standard of care.

Click here to read the full Appeal Decision.


Andrew Dowell

Associate Director

Robert Shaw

Managing Director

Liz Alexander

Planning Director

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